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5 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Warts on the Skin

It's been many times to treat warts on the skin. But excessive growth caused by the Human Papilloma Virus did not getaway.

Warts may be harmless but often make it look disruptive. Especially when the immune system is ordered, warts can spread to all parts of the body.

But don't be afraid, warts can actually be handled quite easily. It can even be removed through materials that often appear in the kitchen. Here are 5 of them as quoted from Timesofindia.

1. Apple cider vinegar
Because of its high acid content, apple cider vinegar can naturally burn warts and destroy growth. All you need to do is soak the cotton in vinegar and place it on the wart.

Then, wrap the wart area with a bandage all night long. Repeat this process 5 times and you will get rid of warts on the fifth day.

2. Aloe vera
Malic acid in aloe vera is the perfect way to deal with warts. Also, because it is known to have antibiotic properties, malic acid can cure warts in a short time.

Simply cut the leaves of the aloe vera plant and apply the gel to the area affected by warts. In this way, the wart is guaranteed to dry out immediately and peel itself.

3. Baking powder
Apply a mixture of baking powder and castor oil to the area affected by warts. Then cover it with a bandage. Then let the mixture stay on the skin overnight. Repeat this process for two or three days for maximum results.

4. Banana skin
Like to eat bananas? Now from now on, don't rush to throw the skin into the trash can. Because enzymes contained in banana peels are known to cure warts.

All you need to do is rub the banana skin on the wart every day until you realize that the wart begins to disappear.

5. Garlic
Garlic is the perfect medicine for treating skin diseases. Because it contains allicin and antimicrobial activity that is strong against various bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites.

Therefore garlic is the best natural remedy to eradicate warts. The process of making garlic into medicine is fairly easy.

You only need to peel the garlic pods and crush them into several cloves. Then rub the garlic in the area that is attacked by warts to complete.

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